Weight (1-10,000 g):
Troy ounces: 0.03215
Price per Troy ounce:
Total: 0.03215 toz x 2600 = 83.59
Notes on units, precision, format
- The Troy ounce (toz) is a unit of measure in the Troy Weights System. The conversion factor to metric grams is 1 toz = 31.1034768 grams. For example, 10 Troy ounces is equal to approximately 311.0348 grams. 10 grams is equal to 0.32151 Troy ounces. See this for more.
- The "exact" values may be meaningless or even wrong in real life (see False Precision). For example, the EU (EU directive 80/181/EEC) mandates that 31.10g is a sufficient approximation.
- The formulas used on this page use the exact conversion, but the result of weight conversion is displayed rounded to the maximum of 5 decimal places with the exact value in parentheses. Currency value is rounded down to two decimals as customary for US currency.
- Numbers and values are formatted using the en-US locale.